What our users say

"It's easy to use and there are some good things [on it]"

"Extremely clear, simplistic and easy to use"

"It's been great to find items I need for my baby"

"Looks good and feels personal"

"Interface is visually appealing and easy to navigate"

"Great app – keep building it"

"I love the idea, [sharing] is how I've been surviving as a single mum"

"The idea of buying something new for my baby sickens me because it lasts such a short time – I would rather he wears his sister's stuff!"

"I'm just refurbishing my daughter's room and don't have a big budget so it would be lovely to have your [item] or swap it for something you may need"

"The best thing is making connections with other parents and being able to receive much needed stuff for free. In time I'll love being able to make space by passing things on"

"I'm a single mum so not always easy to find money for books as they are lovely but a bit expensive"

"I would be perfect to promote the app. I know all places mums go and am absolutely in this network of people and think it's an excellent cause"

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